Planting Justice
working in solidarity for human rights, justice and peace

Donate a Tree
The Tree, for which the land is toiled, which we plant every year on Tu B’Shevat and whose fruits we harvest has come to symbolize a connection to the land and to the divine. These same trees are routinely torched by settlers seeking to demonstrate that they are the masters of the land and that they are in control. On the other hand when Palestinians and Israelis come together to plant trees a message of belonging, solidarity and hope for a common future is voiced. This is the message of the olive branch and it is our message with every tree planted.
When you donate a tree or trees they will be planted by Israelis and Palestinians working together for human rights, justice and peace in Palestinian villages in the West Bank and among the unrecognized Bedouin villages of the Negev. In order to mark your partnership in this project you will receive a warmly designed certificate which you can dedicate as you wish and to whom you wish.
Let’s start
Fill out the form and dedicate the donation, donate, and download the certificate.
About Rabbis For Human Rights
Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) is the only organization in Israel that harmonizes the voice of our Jewish tradition with the discourse and advocacy for human rights. Founded in 1988 RHR has one hundred and fifty members, rabbis and rabbinical students representing a pluralistic and wide spectrum of Jewish belief and practices. Since its founding, RHR has struggled to protect the human rights of Palestinians living under occupation. For 20 years our flagship project has been to work with Palestinian olive farmers in the West Bank, especially during the olive harvest season and subsequently to plant olive trees in the villages and communities most vulnerable and affected by violence, to assist in plowing and even to accompany Palestinian shepherds. For us, this is a salient and compelling way to help Palestinian farmers build resilience and to overcome obstacles of settler violence on the one hand, and the intensifying occupation and military control on the other hand.

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